Thursday, October 28, 2010

First off day

My cutie pie first off day after resting for months at home. Got a new job, happy for him, but I'm never gonna get used to sleeping without him by my side. Hopefully after 3 months of working in the main outlet And get his own shop can relax a bit. I hate waking up knowing that you are leaving my sight and side. Don't like the feeling seeing you close the door and see your back view only :(

But yesterday did a really eorthy trade :) sakae sushi for iphone4! Hahaha! I know you dote on me, even though you say you are being a carrot and let me chop. Haha! Went to west mall to take the phone, imm to change number. He still spend whole night jailbreaking the phone even though he's working today. Sucha silly. Love you, rollroll!

Counting down to the time to hug him tight again.
Counting down to the day hearing her first cry too. 1 last month.

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